kt@katiekehoe.com www.katiekehoe.com

I’m an artist, working predominantly in performance, interdisciplinary sculpture and drawing though I’ve also often incorporated site-specificity and duration as defining artistic elements.

A commitment to social engagement forms the basis of my creative practice and I value how absurdity can be used as a catalyst for interaction. In light of our climate changing, I have growing uncertainty and deep concerns for what the future holds; this is reflected in my recent work, which explores themes that range from the projected impacts of climate change, to the sustainability of water supplies and the adaptive reuse of waste materials.


I’d just completed this paddle board made from salvaged materials
Katie Kehoe is an interdisciplinary artist and educator. Born in Canada, she received her MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art, has exhibited widely across CAN and the US, and teaches part time in The Department of Sculpture and Extended Media at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA and in The Photography Department at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.
Susanna Lee is the project’s documentor. She is a freelance graphic designer and mixed media artist based in Rockville, Maryland. Susanna received a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and is currently the Program Coordinator for Inside Art at VisArts – a program that serves to empower the community through creative experiences and conversations with contemporary art.